Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A New Song (that I am in love with)

So much has been going on lately. Joel and I hosted one of the highschool boys from our church for about a month while his mom left the island to get surgery. The week he left my parents showed up and stayed for 2 weeks. We had such a great time with them. I REALLY love those guys! Them being here with us was such an encouragement on many different levels. This last week I've been getting back into a routine of sorts.

Jesus has been teaching more and more about community and how I NEED to be in it. Its something that I, as a christian, feel that I can't live without. True community, with all its difficulties, is essential in knowing Jesus. Boy is it a challenge sometimes. Its so much easier (or so I would like to think) to do life on my own.

I've also been reading a great book by David Platt called Radical. If you haven't read it you should! Its wonderful. It challenges the American church to live more than just the "American Dream." He talks about what the gospel is all about. He talks about one of the goals (if not THE goal) of the gospel is not so that people's souls are saved and people who believe in Jesus receive blessings(although those things happen), but the goal of the gospel is actually KNOWING Jesus, our treasure and prize. I bet if you're like me, and truly honest with yourself, you'll see that you too have been pursuing the things/rewards of God instead of pursuing God himself. God is beautiful and wonderful! If you start on a journey/pursuit of him, you will not be disappointed.

As I've been trying to shift my mind into this reality I came across this song. Please enjoy.

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